Teenage Skin Care

Teenage Skin Care


Wash your face twice a day. Invest in a good facial cleanser.

Splash your face often with plain cold water to prevent dirt and excess grease from settling on your face.

Follow a strict cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine every morning and evening, without fail.

Exfoliate at least  twice a month.

Stay away from junk food, they only add and contribute to pimples and acne.


Drink plenty of water properly to hydrate your system and skin. A properly hydrated skin can fight pimples and acne better.

Sleep at least 8 hours and avoid getting stressed.

Limit the use of makeup at times when it is really needed. Excess makeup contributes to fatness and results in pimples, acne and other skin problems. It is harmful to your skin too young.

Regularly exercise and meditate.

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Following these skin care tips today will help to keep your skin beautiful and healthy tomorrow. Indeed teen beauty is something that would never come back. Thus preserve it with organic and clean products like ArganLife Argan Oil !
